Sunday, April 26, 2015

Life is Precious

How cliche, but so true. Sitting in my back yard tonight, drinking a glass of wine, and watching the soft wind flow through the palm trees.  It was outer-worldly. Is that a word? Warm breeze. Salty air from the beach. Calm. Quiet. Moments like that make me appreciate being alive more than ever.  It's not about my job. Or the car I drive. Or even the vacation I have planned. What a precious gift we've been given. To feel. To breathe. To feel our own hearts beat. The world is so beautiful. How can we hold on to moments like this? I worry that in the hustle and bustle of work tomorrow, that I'll forget...push that feeling aside...pretend that the work that I'm doing is important. Providing for my family. Making some kind of difference. But I know deep inside that that is only partially true. When I become aware of my own existence, my own being, my own insignificance. I know I'm here for another reason. I read a quote by Nelson Mandela this weekend...."May  your choices reflect your hopes. Not your fears." In the warm wind tonight, I felt like I understood that more than ever. I look forward to trying to hold on to that feeling.