Friday, June 4, 2010

Van der What?

So, like anyone who is following the national news, I was thrilled to learn that the lunatic Joran van der Sloot has been caught/arrested for the murder of that poor girl in Peru. But in my twisted mind, as I read all of the media coverage, I can't help but notice the barrage of wacky names for the people associated with all of this. Let's face it, having the name "van der Sloot" in itself could be at least a misdameanor. And what about the former police commissioner in Aruba - Jan van der Straten - who was responsible for the botched investigation into Natalee Holloway's death, which van der Sloot was also accused of. Two "van der somethings" in the same case? Wierd.

But the best of all is Natalie's stepfather -- who is referred to in the press as "Jug" Twitty. If my last name was Twitty, and I wasn't a country singer, I would make damn sure that my first name was as normal as possible. Bob, Joe, John even. Turns out his given name is George. Not bad, right? In my mind, the real story is not about the murders, but what life event resulted in this man deciding that he'd prefer to be called Jug. There must be a good tale there somewhere.

Really, honestly...I don't mean to make light of a terrible situation. But you have to admit, you are a little curious.


  1. All I can say, is you crack me up!!! :)

  2. Jug is a messed up name....what kind of woman marries a guy named Jug? can you imagine? so, who are you dating....oh he's a great guy, blah what's his name...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............Jug. um, wtf?
