Friday, May 28, 2010

Tipsy Post

My normal routine Friday nights after work is to change into my PJ's, put my hair in a ponytail, stick a frozen lasagna in the oven, and make myself a cosmo. It's now 8:15 and I'm having a nice Cabernet (already drank cosmo and ate lasagna) and watching the after-show from this week's Housewives of NY (does anyone else think this is the best programming on television?). I had no intention of blogging tonight, but was compelled after the host of the after-show, Andy Cohen, played a video clip of a 2-year old Indonesian smoker. What the what? Greatest clip ever. Sad, scary, but great.

Frankly, I'm a fan of the death penalty. And I have to say, right now the parents of this child should be wearing orange jumpsuits and deciding what kind of salad dressing they want to go with their last meal. This is pure Process Cheese! Do you agree? Or is it the cosmo and Cabernet talking? Let me know what you think.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good friends, wine, and cheese

So, when I set off to name this blog - Process Cheese - I really had no intention of actually continuing a literal cheese theme in all of my posts. I thought I'd be able to comment on and point out all the hysterical hypocrisy and phony b.s. ("cheesie-ness") that existed in this world. But after having drinks with a dear friend from high school that I haven't seen in years at a wine and cheese bar, I'm beginning to think there is more to the cheese theme. Over some cold Pinot Grigio, and a sampling of Goat Cheese and St. Nectaire, I came to realize that good friends get better with age...perhaps like a good cheese? I met my friend at Hollywood Vine, a quaint little wine shop and bar on Harrison Street in Hollywood. My girlfriend and I were inseparable in high school, lost touch for years, reconnected, then have been out of touch again for the past two years. No particular reason...just busy lives, kids, jobs, etc. Even though we live 15 minutes away from each other, getting together for a glass of wine was a monumental event. But like the good friends we are, we just picked up where we left off...wherever that was. We are the same as we were in high school, but smarter, better in some way. More confident yet facing new challenges and insecurities. We are no longer worried if a boy will ask us to prom. But we are worried if the lessons we are teaching our kids are getting through. Laser hair removal and Botox certainly came up in the conversation (both of those topics alone are totally blog-worthy and may be covered in a future post...stay tuned). It wasn't until I checked the time on my iPhone to see how much time I had left on my meter that I realized my meter ran out 40 minutes earlier. We have promised to get together 2 more times before end of summer -- aspirational yet realistic plans. Plans that I really look forward to.

Now that I am half way through my 39th year, getting closer to that milestone birthday, I really do feel that like a good wine, and some gourmet cheese, some of us girls do get better with age. So celebrate your girlfriends or any good friends by getting together for wine and cheese! (And don't forget the salami.)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OK, enough of the cheese puns! It's time to get serious. Thanks to all of you for commenting on my debut post. While your comments come across as "anonymous" I know who you's painfully clear that I am either friends with, married to, or related to the most normal people. Which is scary considering what I know about each of you.

Speaking of normal, my husband is currently tuned into a family feud style type of reality game show featuring a show down between 80's bands Toto and the Flock of Seagulls....and a man playing a kazoo. So with that, I sign off for the night, awaiting my first class ticket on the first rocket ship outta here!

Process Cheese

I have no idea why "process cheese" stood out at me when flipping through the dictionary. Maybe because I just read an article about Justin Bieber. Everything seems a bit like process cheese to me these days. Kate Gosselin got paid $500K to dance, and I use that term loosely, with the stars. Jesse James is playing the "I was an abused child" card on TV. Thousands of gallons of oil are spewing out into the ocean and no one can figure out how to stop the flow. And I don't think there's a single country left on this planet that isn't facing a major political or economic crisis. I don't know whether to be totally despondent, or start a cathartic blog. Since depression is totally unattractive and I have no intention of wasting the $400 I paid to have the wrinkles erased from my forehead, I guess a blog will have to do.

Is it me, or does anyone else want to get beamed off this planet? Really. Where are all the normal people?