Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OK, enough of the cheese puns! It's time to get serious. Thanks to all of you for commenting on my debut post. While your comments come across as "anonymous" I know who you's painfully clear that I am either friends with, married to, or related to the most normal people. Which is scary considering what I know about each of you.

Speaking of normal, my husband is currently tuned into a family feud style type of reality game show featuring a show down between 80's bands Toto and the Flock of Seagulls....and a man playing a kazoo. So with that, I sign off for the night, awaiting my first class ticket on the first rocket ship outta here!


  1. On an 8 hour worldwide leadership meeting webcast... I've made it through an hour and a half but am afraid that I might die of boredom before the end of the day. Between the canned presentation styles that result from these leadership presenting consultants they send us to, the stupid set that is a boat as the theme is "It's Our Ship"...., the fact that there is a ship in a meeting room while we get shit sandwiches from HR cutting our benefits and raising prices makes me want to commit a mutiny.

  2. Sounds like an episode of "The Office!" Hope you survived!

  3. It's what you don't know that will get you in trouble! That's scary!
    Many, many ears ago, in a discussion with a friend under the influence of some great weed, this question arose:
    If some aliens (from outer space - immigration wasn't a problem then) arrived on earth and invited you to go with them on a trip in their spaceship, would you go? (one criteria was that you were not told by them whether you would be returned - in fact, there were no questions asked - no conditions) Just, would you go?
    My friend's answer was no, and he was definitely not normal-
    my answer was YES! (I guess I was more not normal)
    Cindy, it's obvious that we are related - both ready to leave this planet. I just started earlier than you!
    I am proud of you because you are not following in my footsteps, but my rocket ship!
