Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Process Cheese

I have no idea why "process cheese" stood out at me when flipping through the dictionary. Maybe because I just read an article about Justin Bieber. Everything seems a bit like process cheese to me these days. Kate Gosselin got paid $500K to dance, and I use that term loosely, with the stars. Jesse James is playing the "I was an abused child" card on TV. Thousands of gallons of oil are spewing out into the ocean and no one can figure out how to stop the flow. And I don't think there's a single country left on this planet that isn't facing a major political or economic crisis. I don't know whether to be totally despondent, or start a cathartic blog. Since depression is totally unattractive and I have no intention of wasting the $400 I paid to have the wrinkles erased from my forehead, I guess a blog will have to do.

Is it me, or does anyone else want to get beamed off this planet? Really. Where are all the normal people?


  1. I want a reality show. My life is just as interesting as Kate's. I rarely eat cheese so something like that never enters my mind.

  2. If that the case, then I know a few people who fit the bill for a realty TV show, but I would just rather see them beamed off the planet instead..

    Brie Cheese Bro

  3. All the normal people have already beamed off the planet!
    I am awaiting my ride!
    The proof that there is intelligent life in the universe outside of earth is the fact that they refuse to show up here.
    The reason all the intelligent extraterrestrials have not shown themselves is because the human race is not evolved enough.
    There is a sign above the earth in outer space that says, "Don't stop here for gas - or anything."

  4. Don't be hater! Botox is da bomb. I don't know whether to laugh or cry....but you will never know from looking at my face. Can you guess my identity? Hint, I look the same, except without big hair and stupid clothes, caterpillar eye brows...oh who am I kidding...I look better and thanks to momma's little injecton helper not a day over 30....

  5. Gouda one. I got my Nikes & I'm waiting for the next comet - brielieve me!
