Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm going to work to relax!

Did you ever in a million years think parenting would be as exhausting as it is? It may sound crazy, but in so many ways, work is just easier. Honestly, if I was half as good at parenting as I am at my job, I'd be mother of the year! Think about it.

At work, I have clearly defined responsibilities as part of my job description. At home, one second I'm a chef, the next a doctor, then a referee in the middle of a light weight boxing match (parents with more than one child know what I'm referring to in that last example).

At work, if someone needs my time, it's appropriate to schedule a meeting in advance. At home, children barge into the bathroom (urinatus interuptus) whenever they are moved to tell me something they deem important..."mom, next week if it's not raining and we have time and if I don't have a basketball game and if my friend's mom says it's OK can I go to the skate park?"

At work, I'm relied on to monitor and interact with important journalists and respected members of the national media. At home, the media I'm responsible for monitoring almost always involves Sponge Bob Square Pants.

On the other hand, at work I can't really scream like a maniac and send someone straight to their least not if I wanted to stay employed. And I certainly couldn't run into a colleague's office, pull them up from their chair, squeeze them and shout, "oh my god how did you get so damn cute?"

So don't get me wrong. It's not that I would choose being at work over being with my family. But geez, sometimes life is hard work!