Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Life: The Reality Show

I've decided that if I ever had my own reality show, it would be the worst rated show on TV. How am I supposed to complete with the likes of the Housewives, Kardashians, and Bachelor/Bachelorette's of the world? I work in a regular office, not a fashion magazine. I've had both of my kids "in-wedlock." And I've never bitch-slapped a single soul.

Let's use my week so far as an example. "This week on Cindy Haas, the Reality Show...Cindy fights the urge to have a medium size Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with cream and sugar on her way to work but ultimately succumbs. Stay tuned to see if Cindy's guilt leads her to make a healthier lunch selection in the company's cafeteria." Nail biting, right? I'm mean, unless my weakness for iced coffee constitutes an addiction worthy of a visit to Dr. Drew, I don't think anyone would tune in.

Am I the only boring one? Let's take a poll. Is your life like a TV show? If so, which one?

  1. Modern Family
  2. Cougar Town
  3. The Bachelorette
  4. Housewives
  5. That channel where they just show the inside of a fish tank or a fireplace

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